Kindergarten Classes in Stockton, CA

On the first day of kindergarten, your child officially becomes a student! It’s an exciting transition as young learners blend the playing, singing, and craft-making from preschool with more writing, reading, and math lessons. Kindergartners get used to school routines, practice working together in groups to build teamwork and sharing skills — and learn how to be successful students for years to come.

Research has shown that participants in full-day kindergartens often achieve higher standardized test scores in the future, and generally excel in school. In addition, they develop strong social skills as they engage in more child-to-child interactions and develop their interpersonal skills. But here’s what’s especially exciting: By laying the right foundation for your child’s success in kindergarten, you can prime them for accomplishing great academic strides.

Kindergarten teaches cooperation: the ability to work, learn, and get along with others. A year in kindergarten provides your child with the opportunity to learn patience, as well as the ability to take turns, share, and listen to others. Most children are naturally curious, but some do not know how to focus or use this curiosity. Kindergarten is a time for sparking and directing your child’s curiosity and natural love of learning.

Kindergarten fosters a love of books, reading, and writing. There are books, words, and kids’ own writing all over the classroom. In kindergarten, children begin to grow as independent readers and become more comfortable with reading, which is now part of their daily life. A kindergarten classroom is packed with words and labeled objects, and students read books, the day’s schedules, class letters, songs, and poems throughout the day.

Math is woven throughout the day’s activities, because it becomes more meaningful when it’s experienced in real-life contexts. This year, your kindergartner will go beyond simply counting numbers to understanding what they represent and actively using them to represent quantities. Daily kindergarten math activities include learning numbers, counting, addition and subtraction, and learning concepts of time, measurement, and categorization. What’s more, playing with puzzles, building toys, blocks, and games allows kindergartners to practice and build math skills in a fun, engaging way.

Kindergartners are natural scientists as they play and explore the world around them with their curious minds. Science lessons typically overlap with math and literacy as kindergarten teachers use tools such as books and graphs to help students learn. Social studies learning occurs throughout the day. During this time, class may review the calendar and the weather, the number of days of school so far, and any other “class news” for the day.

Social studies learning continues throughout the day as kindergartners follow classroom rules and build their social skills, interacting with each other and practicing sharing, taking turns, and working together, all of which ultimately helps them become successful students and classroom citizens.

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